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You know how you’re supposed to take a hot shower on a hot day to better regulate your temperature. Take heed in the idea of eating a frozen dessert in winter.

Recently, we guest posted this recipe on Cooking with My Kid site created by Rebecca and her son Gus. My son Griffin is a little older than Gus and I find that at 10 he’s less eager to join me in the kitchen, so I lure him with machinery and desserts. He likes motors, blenders, juicers, knives and whip cream. He is the kitchen warrior with a sweet tooth!

Griffin and I are big fans of homemade gelato, especially stracciatella, which is chocolate chip. This recipe is easy with the help of a cheap ‘ole ice cream maker, and even easier when you store the gelato in the freezer for a ready-made dessert.

The best part is that we use 2% milk, less sugar than most ice cream recipes, and dark chocolate, which gives all that anti-oxidant goodness.

I adapted this recipe from Sherry Yard, the pastry chef for Spago, in Beverly Hills. This is one of Spago’s most popular desserts among the paper thin celeb crowd and likes of the Housewives of BH.

Yard uses whole milk, bittersweet chocolate and more corn syrup, which I’m certain turns out a creamier gelato, than our version. But, we take comfort in the healthier approach.

stracciatella gelato – ciao down


3 cups 2% milk

1/2 cup sugar (I use turbinado)

1/4 powdered milk

1 tsp pure vanilla

1/8 c light corn syrup

1/8 tsp salt

4 oz dark chocolate, finely chopped

  1. Make sure your ice cream maker vessel is in the freezer.
  2. In a heavy saucepan, combine the milk, sugar, powdered milk, and corn syrup and bring to a boil, whisking occasionally until the sugar and powdered milk dissolve. Remove from the heat, pour into a bowl, add the vanilla extract and salt, and allow it to cool to room temperature and then refrigerate.
  3. When your ice cream maker vessel is frozen and ready for use, pour the cooled ice cream mixture into the machine. Start the machine according to your manufacturers directions.
  4. Meanwhile, melt the dark chocolate in the microwave, stirring about every 20 seconds. It should take about one minute to fully melt.
  5. When the gelato is just beginning too freeze, slowly stream in the melted chocolate. Continue running until the gelato is set.
  6. Scoop into a freezer safe container.

recipe adapted from Sherry Yard and provided by your friends at crunchtimefood.com


  1. Elizabeth says Feb 20th 2011 8:37 am

    Can it be that easy?! We will try it!

    • Sherri says Feb 20th 2011 9:52 am

      Elizabeth – it’s as easy as standing in line for the world’s famous gelato, which we both did in San Gimignano, while eating gelato from another stand.

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