Archive for the ‘dr. april's journal’ Category

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It’s officially spring but winter and seasonal depression lag. In winter, and I’m speaking from having lived in Wisconsin, Chicago and New York, I craved maybe the worst foods to lift me from the winter doldrums. Comfort foods like potatoes, breads, pastas, and cookies – warm chocolate chip cookies – … Read More

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A well-stocked cupboard is essential for turning out good meals in a crunch. Although I love to collect exotic dried beans at the farmers market, cooking them is usually a weekend activity. Thank goodness my mother-in-law, Cuban queen of beans, taught me that canned beans are a perfectly acceptable substitute … Read More

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An interesting scientific study was published today and picked up by the New York Times. The study titled “Consumption of added sugars and indicators of cardiovascular risk among US adolescents,” it gives a frightening picture into the future of our kids. Over two thousand kids reported one day of food … Read More

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[april]Planning one vegetarian dinner a week is a simple way to a healthier diet. Unfortunately, we scientists confused y’all in the 70’s by obsessing that vegetarian meals needed to contain all 26 “essential amino acids.” Cross-referencing tables of ingredients is not conducive to whipping up meals for hungry families. Moreover, … Read More

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I came home form a long Thanksgiving weekend (turkey done 7! ways) to find my trusty New England Journal of Medicine had a published an interesting study on weight loss. Now let me preface my remarks with the fact that weight is NOT an issue for my children-if anything I … Read More

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