Posts Tagged ‘beans’

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This is a story about a best friend, a birthday milestone, and vegetables with hummus.

We met working at MTV where our execs loved to stress its casual atmosphere. The dress code according President Tom Freston was no full frontal nudity (funny right?) or the higher up the food chain you … Read More

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I wasn’t looking for a veggie burger until someone on television made it so enticing that I couldn’t resist. It took three “mmm”s of approval by someone eating it, before I gave in to a recipe that had been created by a tv weatherman. Turns out, there is a little … Read More

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From Bon Appetit’s Food Lover’s Cleanse come a few recipes worthy of our permanent file. Loaded with vegetables, including my previously avoided rooter – the parsnip – and zapped to perfection with a kick of complex chili flavor, we should eat white bean chili all winter long.

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If you can get past the color, using black beans for hummus gives you a nutritional edge over garbanzos. I welcome the variety of and flexibility of using what’s in the pantry.

The difference in beans isn’t drastic, but noteworthy: fewer calories, less sodium and higher protein. I found the flavor … Read More

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We love turkey chili at crunchtime and for good reason. Savory chili is a one-pot meal, it’s freezer friendly, hard to mess up, and relies on two foods that are a-okay in cans. When this recipe arrived on our Healthy Dinner Tonight fax from epicurious, its righteous balance of proteins … Read More

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