Posts Tagged ‘broccoli’

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Things were happening at our house that made me negligent with cooking and posting. For nine weeks during the holidays we cooked out of a plug-in kitchenbecause the heart of our home had a situation. Although we were blessed with a host of small appliances that supported any food heating … Read More

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Stir-fries are the perfect solution for a crunchtime dinner. In the time it takes the kids tell you about who did what to whom at school today, you can sear up a fresh, secretly healthy meal that will fill those mouths and render the table peaceful.

But if your stir-fry, like … Read More

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What do you do with vegetables that are ready for any exit? You know the ones at the back of your refrigerator whose coloring has turned like fall leaves, they’re less crisp,and your kids would only eat them if blindfolded. A few weeks ago I might have tossed them because … Read More

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