Posts Tagged ‘kale’

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Right. Chickpea and kale curry was not the dream dinner you were hoping for tonight. And forget getting the kids on board.Kinda seems unfinished, like it needs lamb meatballs or a ring of bologna on top. Believe me. This simple, incredibly easy, meatless, hassleless, exotically savory meal is totally, certifiably … Read More

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My apologies for obsessing over the Gjelina cookbook, but when I find a recipe that I leeerve, I have to share it with you. The buzz lately about kale is that it’s all washed up, passé, a has-been, a Norma Desmond, and now the it-superfood is All About Seaweed. Cool … Read More

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For some, homemade guacamole is made with one scoop of guacamole, one quart of serving bowl, and a four-hand grip of tortilla chips. Step 1: dip and devour.

Creative types show us new and better ways to heighten this party essential without abandoning the charm. Two of my favorite additions, championed … Read More

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Did you wake up today in need of a healthy detox that relieves cotton-mouth as a bonus? Happy New Year to you and your resolution because we have a juicing concoction worked out in our kitchen laboratory that replicates the crazy deliciousTrue Food Kitchen’snectar of the gods. Let me be … Read More

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